New years wish - lessons from "AutoCorrect"
During trainings in LibreOffice Writer, that we give at customers offices or in the LibreOffice-Trainingcenter , a standard part is how to handle AutoCorrect. As long as people don't know what happens, AutoCorrect is a source of annoyance and errors. Once they've learned how it works, this changes drastically. Recently during a training for a regional office if the Dutch Refugee Council there was attention for the example "aanrijken" that is replaced by "aanreiken" through the AutoCorrect function. (Since we know AutoCorrect is language dependent, it's time for a little help in this English version of the original Dutch blogpost. The correct word "aanreiken" means: hand over, give something to someone else. The wrong word "aanrijken" has the part "rijk" what means rich. So, now back to the plot of the story ;) ) During the training I gave the next, free, explanation for the example: we see enough of the 'aanrijken...